Rationalizing the Govt
Friday, August 13, 2010
The Fed Can't Print Jobs
Blog 7: 14th amendment
In my opinion this will never even get noticed but it just hurts that people are actually talking about this. It was nice to know that the president didn't support this cause and that he was able to say that it's more important to secure the border than change the laws that allow equality rather than aloowing racial profiling.
Response: Obama criticism Stage 8
Obama may be attempting to aid his country, but it seems clear that his actions help some and leave out many. The key issue to be addressed is, who is the “we” in “yes we can.” One wants to assume that the President has reforms that are all inclusive, but this is not the case, which can be seen in his healthcare ideals. It is difficult to debate that health care is a bad thing for people to have, but one must look at both sides of the situation. Healthcare professionals sacrifice much time, energy, and money in order to help their fellow man, but with the new healthcare reform they are being punished. They are receiving less and less money for their services, which can create quite a financial burden. People can argue that they are paid too much as it is, but it is expensive to purchase health care equipment and it is expensive to go through the different levels of training. If the government decides to hurt the doctors, then there is the possibility that there will be a decrease in the amount of doctors in the United States, which would create another issue in healthcare. Unlike other areas of business, one cannot outsource healthcare. Immigration is another issue that was discussed, and once again one must look at who is being benefited and who is being hurt. It must be understood that we were all immigrants at one time and we were all given equal opportunities, which seems to be taken away from the people that are attempting to enter our country.
Response: When I First Felt the impact of Govt. Stage 6
Rachael is making an argument against the "No Child Left Behind Act", she thinks that this act has made the standard of schooling worst and has forced students to do tedious repetitive work that is below their intellectual level. She also believes that because of NCLB high school students aren't prepared for college as well nor are they prepared for the SAT or ACT. I unfortunately am going to have to disagree with her. Don't get me wrong I'm by no means a supporter of the Bush Administration but I think that NCLB is actually something that is beneficial for high school students.
Mandatory tests for each school is actually a great way to see how well the schools are doing according to district it also acts as a great way to measure which schools need more improvement than others. I'm thinking you probably went to a school that was very good and didn't need to have these tests to show where the students needed improvement. Plus, if the course work was below the average intellectual level than the teacher wouldn't have to spend so much time teaching it because everyone would know it already. So, maybe it was your teachers and your schools fault for not realizing that the students at there school were more qualified and could move on to harder material.
I actually did some research and I noticed that most of the websites say that the past nine years have been the best since 1971 for standardized testing. Also because of these tests we have been able to do a lot of research which shows that because of these tests students have improved in all subject categories, there is a negligible difference between the white students and the minority students, and it also has given a better scope of where parents need to be involved more.
Most other countries actually have more rigorous standardized testing, which actually acts as the basis for your grades that colleges look at to accept you. For example, England uses the O levels and the A levels Test that act as your grades more so than what you actually make in school.
I think that if we could improve on this idea we could actually compete with the rest of the world when it comes to high school and middle school education. Maybe there wouldn't be such a divide between the states and we could improve the education in the rural areas as well.
End the Prohibition on Marijuana- - - Stage 5
If weed was legalized than crime would decrease because the people doing illegal work wouldn't be doing it anymore because the government would be selling it for a lot cheaper. This would make the drug dealers go somewhere else and in turn the police could focus more on serious crimes like murder and rape.
Another reason why it would be beneficial is because of the medical benefits for AIDs and Cancer patients. I read an article that said that the only way that the cancer patient use to eat was after smoking pot. This is because when you have pancreatic cancer you die of starvation and I think legalizing weed for at least medical purposes is the right thing to do.
Lastly, I think that we should legalize week because of the tax revenue that it is going to bring in. The governor of California estimates 1 billion dollars in just tax revenue. We are talking about just one state! That could definitely help us with our recession. Why should drug dealers make the money when the government can.