Obama may be attempting to aid his country, but it seems clear that his actions help some and leave out many. The key issue to be addressed is, who is the “we” in “yes we can.” One wants to assume that the President has reforms that are all inclusive, but this is not the case, which can be seen in his healthcare ideals. It is difficult to debate that health care is a bad thing for people to have, but one must look at both sides of the situation. Healthcare professionals sacrifice much time, energy, and money in order to help their fellow man, but with the new healthcare reform they are being punished. They are receiving less and less money for their services, which can create quite a financial burden. People can argue that they are paid too much as it is, but it is expensive to purchase health care equipment and it is expensive to go through the different levels of training. If the government decides to hurt the doctors, then there is the possibility that there will be a decrease in the amount of doctors in the United States, which would create another issue in healthcare. Unlike other areas of business, one cannot outsource healthcare. Immigration is another issue that was discussed, and once again one must look at who is being benefited and who is being hurt. It must be understood that we were all immigrants at one time and we were all given equal opportunities, which seems to be taken away from the people that are attempting to enter our country.
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